文章来源 : 广东优科检测 发表时间:2023-01-30 浏览数量:
- 它位于哪里?
- 只会在工厂安装吗?
- 或者它也可以现场安装吗?
- 它是产品内部的还是外部的?
- 它是在电源电路、信号电路还是两者中?
- 电气连接是如何进行的?
- 连接是否焊接、压接或绝缘位移?
- 使用什么类型的绝缘导体和尺寸 (AWG)?
- 这些连接器是否会受到雨、雪、雨夹雪或灰尘等环境条件的影响?
- 它们是否位于设备内包含振动等因素的区域?
- 作为连接器最广泛适用的UL标准,UL 1977,即数据、信号、控制和电源应用中使用的组件连接器标准,是针对终端产品应用中的连接器而制定的一套广泛的要求,其中连接器要求没有明确规定。
- UL1977标准不适用于特定的终端产品应用,如笔记本电脑或工业控制面板。相反,它的创建是为了提供最低级别的安全性,其中包括连接器的绝缘材料特性(即阻燃等级)、载流部件材料以及带电部件、相反极性和死金属之间的电气间距。
- UL1977标准范围内的连接器仅适用于原始设备制造商 (OEM) 的工厂安装,用于连接铜或铜合金的导线或PWB板。
- UL1977标准涵盖的连接器的典型用途包括家用设备,例如洗衣机和搅拌机,以及 PC 板和微处理器,无论应用是住宅、商业还是工业设备。
- 电源线
Devices produced integrally with flexible cord or cable that are covered by the Standard for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords, UL 817.
- 插头插座
Devices intended for connection to the branch circuit, such as attachment plugs, cord connectors, receptacles, inlets, and outlets, that are covered by the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL 498.
- 端子台
Devices consisting of wiring terminals and supporting blocks intended for the connection of wiring that are covered by the Standard for Terminal Blocks, UL 1059.
- 网线电话线,水晶接头
Devices intended for use with telecommunications networks, that are covered by the Standard for Telephone Equipment, UL 1459, or the Standard for Communications Circuit Accessories, UL 1863.
- O型,U型等接线端子
Devices such as wire connectors and soldering lugs that are covered by the Standards for Wire Connectors, UL 486A-486B; Splicing Wire Connectors, UL 486C; or Equipment Wiring Terminals for Use with Aluminum and/or Copper Conductors, UL 486E.